Anxiety Sandwich
Harvard Dance Center, Cambridge MA
What is a body? What does it meant to embody? What does
anxiety look like? What are the conventions of representing
a feeling? A feeling that wears one down. Anxiety. How do
we objectify and typify such a deep and dark and insidious
thread that binds us all, yet we seldom speak of?
Anxiety Sandwich is a body. Anxiety Sandwich is a
performance. A performance by bodies on a host-body. The
host body is pregnant with meaning; it contains multitudes;
a layered surface.
Anxiety Sandwich is a table. A table, which at first glance
looks over-built. A table with 20 legs. A table with multiple
layers of surfaces. Multiple layers of materials. Multiplicities
which appear to be strong.
Enter our bodies. We are rough. We have appendages on
our appendages. Surfaces on our skin more course than
the blood that is coursing through our bodies. Quick and
deliberate movements begin to engage the body. The
anxiety sandwich begins to reveal itself. Showing its naked
layers, shedding it’s strong appearance, losing its legs. The
irony of its many steel legs becomes as apparent as it’s red
underlayer. Attachment and detachment abound. Pads and
abrasions appear. Then, silence.
Anxiety Sandwich is a body.